Brand Protection
The only way to be sure you’re buying genuine Stoneborn products is by purchasing goods directly from this website. If you think you may have counterfeit exonerated merchandise, or if you see our products anywhere other than our online store, please let us know. You can call us at: Contact us through our website, or send us an email from our contact us page.
We appreciate your assistance with helping us stop any illegal activity.
a. How can I know for sure that I’m buying authentic Stoneborn apparel?
Currently, there is only one way to purchase our products and that is through our online store at: www.stonebornwear.
b. Can I return exonerated apparel that I buy off of places like amazon and eBay?
No. exonerated guarantees all of its products, but only if you buy directly from us. We can’t guarantee or support merchandise bought from anyone other than us, as we have no idea of knowing how the item has been handled, worn, or treated.
c. What is Stoneborn doing to fight counterfeiters?
We will do everything we can. We believe that the products we make are of the highest quality, and we will do whatever we can to prevent counterfeiters from stealing our name and distributing cheap quality, and worst of all, fake merchandise. If you think you’ve seen counterfeit exonerated products, please let us know. You can send us an email from our contact us page.